Harp, enchanting vocals and violira, recorded in seven chapels
and abbeys in Languedoc, France during the Venus Transit June, 2012.
The chapels of the Cathars, Templars, and earliest Christians
produce a pure harmonic acoustic that transports the listener
to this mystical land of the grail.
Short clips from each track:
01 Viva Santa MariaOur current era has been called the Sophianic Millennium,
a time of spiritual awakening and opening of the deeper mysteries.
Sophia as the Great Mother is the Feminine Redeemer—her name
means Wisdom and in the ancient texts, it is she who imbues
the earthly realm with Light and Sound:

“Light remembered me and heard my song”
— ‘Pistis Sophia’, Coptic Gnostic Codex, 2nd-3rd c. AD
“Sublime!” — Next in the West magazine
“Beautiful, haunting.” — P.T. Psychotherapist
“Sensual, luscious sound—brings to life the memory of being in those ancient times.” — R.B., M.S.W. health care professional
“I love the haunting, extraordinary “Apostola Apostalorum” from my sister-of-the-heart, Ani Williams. As I listened to this ode to Our Lady Magdalena, I could feel HER presence in the room, helping me, holding my hand and my heart. Ani’s articles and writing are as sublime as her music.” — Kathleen McGowen, bestselling author.