Voice Spectrum Analysis

We play the lyre precisely to avoid becoming unstrung…
Marcilio Ficino

The Sound Alchemy–Bio-Acoustics Training is now online! Enrollment is open. 


Everyone has a unique voice pattern that reveals the frequencies for health, happiness, and success. After analyzing thousands of  speaking tone patterns, we discovered that most people are only using about 50% of their potential vocal frequencies! In other words, we have a hidden spectrum of potential just waiting to be revealed.

Voice Frequency Graph
Voice Frequency Graph

Using a Voice Analysis instrument, we identify which vocal tones are dropping out, and then those tones are introduced to promote wholeness, healing and freedom.

With Voice Analysis we find frequencies to:

  • Increase brain wave coherence, body integrity and life energy
  • Develop vocal resonance, and effective, clear communication
  • Release limiting patterns and increase clarity and creativity
  • Reduce stress and incoherent emotional and physical patterns
  • Increase personal empowerment and ability to manifest your true purpose
  • With Songaia Sound Medicine therapeutic music, discover the power of transformational toning

“Each person has a harmonic signature that is distinctive, unique and individual. The energy in the human voice can be measured with a Spectrum Analyzer and frequencies can be sorted to reflect vibrations in frequency bands associated with the notes C through B on a piano. When individual frequencies are played back to the person, the resultant change can be reflected at the cellular level, in brain wave patterns, unification of the energy field and in the experiential state of being.” Lana J. Ford, Ph.D.

chakra-tone-chart-12As Sufi Hazrat Inayat Khan said:

“Voice is the barometer of the soul.”

The human voice is truly a barometer of the soul, and one’s unique voice print can reveal emotional, physical, and genetic frequency patterns. When an individual’s missing or stressed tones are played back using one or more of the 12 tones on the Songaia Sound tracks, distinct changes in the physical, mental and emotional states can be observed, as well as altered brain states, associated with healing. Songaia (meaning “Earth Song”) can open a gateway to greater creativity, healing, balance and clarity.

Here is a new article on breathing and toning techniques to develop a deeper, resonant, and more powerful voice: Hara Breath and Toning


Voice Frequency Analysis
Voice Frequency Analysis


Voice Analysis Sessions cost $220 and include:

  • Personal Voice Pattern Chart highlighting your  “Signature tones”.
  • Tone Correlation Charts of physical or emotional issues associated with missing frequencies. 
  • A 25% coupon for Songaia Sound Mp3 download: Each 15-minute track is only $2.99.
  • Toning Instructions and benefits.
  • Medical Astrology and Planetary Tones.
  • Live explanation of signature tones and your goals.

Book a Voice Analysis session here: 


IMPORTANT NOTE: Voice Analysis Sessions are done online via Zoom meeting. After registering, Ani will email you to find a suitable time and date for your session. Please note that she is based in France, CET, which is normally 6 hours later than EST. She schedules between 11 am and 5 pm, so if you are on West Coast, the latest session would be 8 am PST. The results of the session, Zoom recording and charts are normally emailed within two hours of the analysis.

Sessions last one hour and include an additional hour for the practitioner’s preparation and completion of the session. A Zoom meeting link is sent to the client 24 hours prior to the Voice Analysis. During a session, the tone patterns of your speaking voice are assessed to determine which frequencies are stressed or dropping out.

These missing frequencies are then introduced by toning along with the Songaia Sound Medicine tones to create a balanced and integrated vibrational state. A session includes personalized tone charts, a 9-page file of instructions and visual charts, and 25% discount for Songaia MP3s.

The Sound Alchemy–Bio-Acoustics Training is now online! Enrollment is open. See official announcement at https://aniwilliams.com/songaia-sound-training/ 


Link to a Wall Street Journal article: “What Your Voice Reveals About You” describing scientific voice diagnostic applications.


Ani Williams studied with Sharry Edwards of Sound Health Options BioAcoustics, Oded Mansura of Israel, Fabien Mamon, sound researcher.
Williams developed Songaia Sound Medicine and 12-Tone Songaia music system in 1992-1994 and has more than three decades of experience serving clients worldwide.