If we are the song that changes everything, what is our personal song, our unique sound signature? Voice Analysis sessions and Sound Alchemy trainings show us how to find the key frequencies to activate our fullest potential.
The long-awaited book by Ani Williams is described by leading authors as
“Astonishing, stunning, a masterwork, extraordinary, spellbinding, a fascinating tour de force!”
“Brings a stronger presence of the divine.”
M.V. author, teacher in Netherlands

Selected Tracks from Albums:
This is a playlist of select tracks from various albums. Hover over the three dots to the right of a track and click the cart icon to add the MP3 album to your shopping cart.
Sound Alchemy Bio-Acoustics Training
Announcing the launch of Sound Alchemy—Bio-Acoustic Trainings now ongoing!
Join the international team of sound practitioners and the collective voices for a New Earth.
“We use Voice Analysis to find the blueprint, tones for healing to return our Lost Chord.”
Ani Williams
A short introduction with Ani Williams on Sound Medicine trainings.
When we know our personal sound signature, we have the keys for maintaining the health and harmony of body-mind and spirit. The 5th century BCE Greek teacher Pythagoras believed that the music of the spheres created by the movements of the planets contained sound keys. These sound patterns are mirrored in the human energy system and can be read in the voice patterns.
“The universe is a symphony of strings. The mind of God is cosmic music resonating through hyperspace.”
Physicist Michio Kaku

“You have played an important part in our autistic son’s healing process. He is communicating better and steadily healing. He is playing music and playing his missing notes!”
~ Mother

“I've had my voice analyzed and without this missing note back in our life, we aren't working with all 8 cylinders. This is a life-changing tool!”
~ Eileen Nauman, Homeopath, Medical Astrology teacher

"After listening to the Songaia A# frequency, my high blood pressure in now down to 121/77. The visual disturbance that has been bothering me is almost gone. Good medicine!”
~ J.S. Nurse in Arizona

“Children suffering from limited motor response and autism were dramatically impacted by the use of Songaia Sound in our sessions. We saw coordinated movement where there was none previously. Those who normally did not speak were able to vocalize along with the music.”
~ Patricia Villegas, OT/PT in Child Neuro-development in Mexico City, Mexico
News & Interviews
Video Interviews:
- Ani speaks with British talk host Sandie Sedgbeer, What Is Going Om
- Ani on Re-Enchanting the Earth, Dreaming the New Earth with Clara Nisiri
- Ani with San Qing at The Way show: “Sound Heals All”
- Typical Sceptic Podcast
- Bart Sharp on Becoming Quantum Conscious speaks with Ani on her book.
- Sound Medicine with Gail Lynn
- Sound Healing on Gaia TV with Regina Meredith
- Healing Sound with Cynthia Jordan
- Sound Healing on Gaia TV with Regina Meredith
- Healing with Sound with Nancy Myers on Om Times
- Mary Magdalene, the Hope for Our Time with Cynthia Jordan
- Sound Alchemy–World Awake Conference 2021
- Song of the Stars Frequencies for Liberation for Cosmic Truth Conference, cosmicae.com
Podcast Interviews:
New Releases
- Book: Guardians of the Dragon Path
- Guardians Of The Dragon Path MP3
- Stones and Stars That Sing
- Return of the Shining Ones New CD Release!
- Interview: The Song Within – Frequencies that Liberate
- Interview: Song Within – Music Moves Nature
- Dragon & Pearl New CD Release!
- New Mp3 CD release for Earth Day 2020: “Earth Rising”
- Bio-Acoustic Medicine
- SOUND ALCHEMY – Hermetic Sound Science and Egyptian Roots of Modern Sound Healing