The musical flavors follow the Grail mysteries throughout medieval Britain, France, Spain, Jerusalem and Egypt with gypsy violira, Celtic harp, bells, guitar, Egyptian flute and vocals sung in the ancient languages. One also hears the waves and subtle chanting recorded within Merlin’s Cave, Cornwall during a ceremony in October 2006.
Short clips from each track:
01 Garden of Blue RosesThis enchanting CD opens with sweet birdsong and the healing waters of the red spring recorded at Chalice Well garden, flowing easily into the first song, Garden of Blue Roses:
“In the garden of blue roses
I met Our Lady there
And lying quite close beside her
The Unicorn so fair.
Lily of the king
Raise up thy silver wing
For long has been the hour
Of thine unqueening.
In the garden of Gethsemane
The sun and moon did meet
And spreading o’er the kingdom
Their kiss rang true and sweet…..”
The Grail Quest for the essence of Love’s Alchemy.
“A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse.”
Song of Songs 4 — 12
“Lovely medieval flavor!” — Margaret Starbird, author of Woman with the Alabaster Jar and other books on Mary Magdalene.
“Enchanted by your music.” — Henry Lincoln, filmmaker and author of Key to the Sacred Pattern, co-author of Holy Blood—Holy Grail.
“I love the haunting, extraordinary “Apostola Apostalorum” from my sister-of-the-heart, Ani Williams. As I listened to this ode to Our Lady Magdalena, I could feel HER presence in the room, helping me, holding my hand and my heart. Ani’s articles and writing are as sublime as her music.” — Kathleen McGowen, bestselling author of The Expected One and The Book of Love and others.
Ani Williams: Harp, vocals and bells
Alan Ames: Violira
Fitzhugh Jenkins: Guitar
John Dumas: Egyptian bamboo flute
Tina Reichow: Dunbek, tambourine and cymbals
Birdsong and ancient well:
Chalice Well, Glastonbury, England
and Roslyn Glen, Scotland