Testimonials Sound Alchemy—Bio-Acoustics Training

“I am definitely noticing more strength and confidence. I am much more centered as I am not overwhelmed by my emotions. Thanks so much for your help!”

“I am so filled with bliss and ecstatic motivation to move forward with this sound work”

“A million thanks for your brilliant, inspiring, life changing retreat in Sedona. I’ve had this chill-inducing intuition that this next year will bring transformation…the Sedona training sealed the deal”
Ani Williams’ Music

Since our pilgrimage, I have found myself humming and dreaming of the songs we sang and chanted together in magical places along the way. It was an honor to carry the harp for you!
Songaia Sound Medicine

Songaia is the closest sound to what I experience in meditation.

I was taken aback by the beauty of your music and voice and your incredible healing ministry.

I have used the Songaia system with my clients in New York and Arizona and it deeply enhances the healing treatments.

I have experienced profoundly powerful healing sessions when using Ani’s recordings during bodywork sessions. The music seems to create a tonal sacred space that enhances awareness and personal clarity.

I found the Songaia System very effective for insomnia…it’s a great musical prescription without drug side effects!

Growing more deeply into using Sound more consciously for connection and healing – I received so much from the voice analysis training last February that words really don’t adequately describe and that I continue to process – sharing in it as well as growing personally – thank you so much for your offerings.

Songaia CDs were played for autistic and disabled children during dolphin therapy sessions. The dolphins and trainers were calmer and more focused and the children exhibited more motor coordination, increased ability to communicate, increased visual focus and increased cognitive ability.

I am loving the Songaia sounds! My basal temperature is going up, and my thyroid is balancing.

Thank you Ani, you have played an important part in our autistic son’s healing process. He is communicating better and steadily healing. He is playing music and most interestingly he is playing his missing notes!!

I’ve had my voice analyzed by Ani Williams and I can tell you from personal experience that we all have a “missing note” in our life. Without this missing note back in our life, we aren’t working off of 8 cylinders. We’re working on 6–or less. This is a life-changing tool!