Songaia MP3 Set
Complete set of all 12 Songaia Sound tones in Mp3 format, plus the Songaia Sound Medicine Charts, a 9-page PDF file.
This set includes all 12 separate 15-minute tracks comprising the 12 tones of the musical scale, each tone corresponding to specific emotional and physical patterns. Includes the Songaia Sound Medicine Charts PDF.
The Songaia Sound System is a transformational system of sound medicine based on the ancient science of sound and its use in healing and expanding human potential. The system incorporates both listening to and toning specific notes of the music scale according to each person’s requirements.
Ani Williams developed this system as an application for her Voice Analysis clients in 1994. After finding that most people are missing several of the possible musical tones in their speaking voice, she discovered that these missing tones correspond to gateways of healing–the missing links in releasing creative potential and freedom!
Each note correlates with emotional and physical patterns and, using the appropriate tones stimulates the integration of those frequencies to create a state of wholeness and well-being.
Each chakra of the body has a specific color, tone, vowel and gland that is related to it as shown on our Chakra-Tone-Chart
The Songaia 12-Tone Set combines the healing effects of the natural harmonic resonance of instruments used in healing and ancient temples for thousandes of years: Harp, Tibetan bowls, vocal overtone chanting, and didjeridu. Woven throughout are the microtonal songs of the whales and Tibetan mantras for added healing resonance. Read about their creation, which included a rare celestial interaction between Jupiter and the Tibetan deity Tara: Songaia Sound Medicine Tones
Songaia 12-Tone Set
1. Tone C (Do) Aries 2. Tone C# (Do#) Taurus 3. Tone D (Re) Gemini 4. Tone D# (Re#) Cancer |
5. Tone E (Mi) Leo 6. Tone F (Fa) Virgo 7. Tone F# (Fa#) Libra 8. Tone G (Sol) Scorpio
9. Tone G# (Sol#) Sagittarius
Color: Sky Blue
Chakra: Throat/Brow
10. Tone A (La) Capricorn
Color: Indigo
Chakra: Brow (Ajna)
11. Tone A# (La#) Aquarius
Color: Purple
Chakra: Brow/crown
12. Tone B (Si) Pisces
Color: Magenta
Chakra: Crown (Sahasrara)