Summer Rose CD

An allegorical journey of the seed of a rose and the soul’s descent into matter, the music is peaceful yet transcendant in the Rose’s path of awakening to the sun.

This CD features concert and Celtic harps, flute, cello, autoharp and wordless vocals.


Short clips from each track:

01 Descent into Matter

02 Emergence

03 Wending Our Way

04 Unfolding

05 Deva Dance

06 Pan’s Kingdom

07 Fulfullment


A story of the Rose and its journey to Earth…..

From the timeless realms was a quickening of spirit,
Spiraling sound
Descending into Matter.
And then the angel spoke,
“Out of the fathomless mists I formed thee.
Wilst thou now accept shape upon Earth
That thou mayst supply a service even greater?”
And as it was asked, the Rose agreed…
To reflect to earthbound souls their own lighthearted purity.

And so it was—the seed of the rose arrived on earth,
Emergence of new life stirring, reaching,
Yearning in its journey toward the sun;
Wending its Way through life’s joy and sorrow,
Seasoning and polishing its soul against sharp stone.

Now a rosebud, full, round, crimson, pulsing…
With fragrant pungence of the rose,
Ecstasy of each petal, one by one Unfolding to the sun.
Devas Dance in joyous celebration of soul’s awaking,
Pan’s Kingdoms open their doors in celebration with
Sounds of harps and pipes—at once ancient and new—
Heralding Fulfillment of the dream.
Heart of the Rose is revealed in all its glory,
A rare glimpse into the heart of all.

–Ani Williams 1983

Dedicated to my daughter and friend Summer Rose and to the child in all of us that yearns to dance free.

Ani Williams—Concert harp, Celtic harps,
autoharp, bamboo flutes, vocals, bells
Mark Saiz—Silver flute
Suellen Zepeda—Cello
Ekim Beau—Zither

Music composed by Anne Williams ©1983
Cover photo Rose of the Pyrenees, Ani Williams
Recorded at Phil Gall Studios, Flagstaff, Arizona
Remastered by Star Track Recording, Sedona, Arizona